这个网站是一个提供代码片段的平台,它包含了一些CSS样式。这些样式基于Tailwind CSS v3.3.2,并拥有MIT许可证(https://tailwindcss.com/)。

HaploX 海普洛斯 - 一个用于分享和展示CSS代码片段的网站  
**版本号:** Tailwind CSS v3.3.2 MIT License  
## HTML  
- `<!DOCTYPE html>`  
- `<html lang="en">`  
- `<head>`  
- `<meta charset="UTF-8"/>`  
- `<title>Your Page Title</title>`  
- `<body>`  
- `<h1>Your Heading Here</h1>`  
- ... (other elements)  
- `<footer>`  
- `<p>Your Footer Text</p>`  
- `</body>`  
- `</html>`  
## CSS  
- `:after, :before{border:0 solid #e5e7eb;box-sizing:border-box}`  
- This style block applies a border to the content between two elements. The box-sizing property ensures that the content is considered in the element's total width and height.  
- `:after,:before{--tw-content:""`}  
- This declaration sets the value of the `--tw-content` pseudo-class as an empty string. It allows for more custom styling based on your needs.