
Domain Name and JavaScript Code

  • Domain name:
  • JavaScript code: The code snippet provided contains a function named calculateSize() that calculates the width of the HTML content according to the client’s window width and sets it as the font size of the document’s root element. This function is executed when the page loads and also when the window is resized using event listeners.

The JavaScript code can be used to adjust the font size dynamically based on the screen resolution, making it responsive and adaptive to different devices.

Main Structure and CSS Style

The main structure of the website includes a section with the class name main, which has a width of 7.5rem (responsive rem units), centered using auto margin, and a white background with a border at the top. This section likely contains the content or visual elements of interest to users.

Additionally, there is a CSS class named domain-title that styles the text within this section. It sets a specific font size of 24px, which may be used for headings or other prominent text on the page.

Overall, appears to have a simple layout with a focus on responsiveness and aesthetic design. The custom JavaScript code adds some dynamic behavior by adjusting the font size based on the window width, allowing for better adaptability across different screen sizes.