html, body {
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”`javascript function (a, b) { function c() { var b = f.getBoundingClientRect().width; b / i > 540 && (b = 540 * i); var c = b / 10; f.style.fontSize = c + “px”, k.rem = a.rem = c } var d, e = a.document, f = e.documentElement, g = e.querySelector(‘meta[name=“viewport”]’), h = e.querySelector(‘meta[name=“flexible”]’), i = 0, j = 0, k = b.flexible || (b.flexible = {}); if (g) { var l = g.getAttribute(“content”).match(/initial-scale=([\d.]+)/); l && (j = parseFloat(l[1])) } else if (h) { j = parseFloat(h.getAttribute(“content”)) } else if (e.body && e.body.style && e.body.style[“font-size”]) { i = e.body.style[“font-size”]; j = parseFloat(i) } else if (window === undefined) return; // no window object defined var r = “”; j < 48 && r += “@media screen and (min-width:1pt),screen and (min—long-height:” + (48 / i) + “pt)”; // width in pixels of smallest mobile device width to shrink design for such devices j < 48 && r += “ and (max-width:” + (48 * i) + “pt),”; // width in pixels of largest mobile device width to shrink design for such devices j < 768 && r += “@media screen and (min-width:” + (48 * i) + “pt),”; // width in pixels of smallest tablet device width to shrink design for such devices j < 768 && r += “ screen and (min-height:” + (768 / i) + “pt)”; // height in pixels of smallest tablet device height to shrink design for such devices j < 1080 && r += “@media screen and (min-width:” + (768 * i) + “pt),”; // width in pixels of smallest desktop device width to shrink design for such devices j < 1080 && r += “ screen and (min-height:” + (1080 / i) + “pt)”; // height in pixels of smallest desktop device height to shrink design for such devices if (r !== “”) window.matchMedia®.addListener© // media query match event handler that adjusts font size dynamically according to device width and height